What is Carbon Footprint Reporting?

It is a measure of total anthropogenic (human-activities) emissions of Green House Gases into the atmosphere. This is also called Green House Gas Emission Inventory. The activity may be by an individual, group, organization, event or a product. The emissions may be direct or indirect.

What is GHG Emission Reporting?

It is a measure of total anthropogenic (human-activities) emissions of Green House Gases into the atmosphere. This is also called Green House Gas Emission Inventory.

Units of Measures.....

The Carbon Footprint Analysis report can be declared in the following ways.

1. Absolute Measures (Total emission in tCO2e )

2. Emission Intensity indexed to output ( kgCO2e or tCO2e per unit of production)

What are Green House Gases?

Green House Gases are gases which are mainly responsible for Global Warming. There are several gases in this category and the following are considered as the most important ones for measurement. like.....

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) (GWP-1)

2. Methane (CH4) (GWP-28)

3. Nitrous oxide(N2O) (GWP-265)

4. Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs)

5. Per fluorocarbons (PFCs)

6. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) (GWP-23500)

7. Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) (GWP-16100)

Each gas has a different Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) is taken as relative base 1.

How is Carbon Footprint Reported?

The Carbon Footprint is finally reported as

Tonnes of CO2 Equivalent. (tCO2 e)

What is Energy Usage Reporting?

It is the reporting of Total Renewable Energy Used, Non-renewable Energy Used & Total Energy Used by the Organization.